We're standing up against bullying!

We're standing up against bullying!

Hello friends! Greetings from our gallery bookstore!

Summer is at its height but fall will soon be upon us and we have big news!

Every Day is Pink Shirt Day, a book I illustrated with the help of graphic artist Nancy MacDonald, is at the printer’s as I write this! Written by Halifax teacher and guidance counsellor, Heather Topshee, it tells the story of Maya, a Grade 3 pupil attending school on Stand Up Against Bullying Day. Maya sees all the children wearing pink shirts to support anti-bullying behaviour but also sees children being unkind in the schoolyard. With the help of her guidance counsellor, Maya shows her schoolmates that simply wearing a pink t-shirt is not enough—we must choose to be kind every day.

The publishing date is September 21, 2019 and will retail at Chapters/Indigo and other fine booksellers in Nova Scotia for $19.95. Order from us, $25 includes shipping and tax.

This is a very important book that helps young children understand how they can help prevent bullying in very simple ways and I am so proud to have been a part of sharing that message!

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