Laurie Swim, pictured above, with her latest masterwork,
"High Seas, Hirtle's Beach".
Laurie's Process

In her latest work Laurie has been inspired by a technique used by renaissance painters called sfumato. The word sfumato comes from the Italian language and is derived from fumo ("smoke", "fume"). Sfumato translated into English means soft, vague, or blurred. You can see in her process photos how she uses layers of thread, and various textured, translucent and opaque fabrics to create softness and depth in her work. The final results are remarkable.
Gallery Update
As many of you know, the Laurie Swim Gallery is under renovation and normally, these things rarely run on schedule. Add a global pandemic, supply chain issues, a construction boom, and gas prices that make your eyes water. Or are those tears? Things are going slowly but we are moving forward. On the bright side, we've had time to work behind the scenes refreshing our look. Along with the website, our new gallery signs are coming together. We are excited by the new designs and thought we'd give you a peek at what's in the works.
Available on our Website
While we work on the new gallery space, all of our original art is still available to be viewed online. The print/card/book shop is closed temporarily while we transition but have a look at our fresh new website to see the wonderful original art from our Nova Scotia artists. If you have any questions or are interested in adding one of our artists pieces to your collection do not hesitate to reach out.